The quality of SSD on the market varies greatly. It does not matter if you are a buyer or seller of pen drives, you would need an efficient way to exam/ sort out the quality level of HDD/ SSD devices. U-Reach provides HDD Quality Examinations to satisfy the need of quality checking. Our solution applies multi-core transfer technology. Thus, compare to PC, the QC performance will highly increase with less labor cost.
Verify HDD (Basic Quality Check)
The Verify HDD function runs writing and reading test from LBA 0 to the last. During testing, devices are able to set up standards for examination. 1. Minimum read/write speed. 2. The bad-sector tolerance. 3. Able to set the transfer rate of devices.
Sanitization Functions
Erase Functionality Compliant with NIST SP 800-88r1 and DoD 5220-M Standards Secure erase functions wipe drive contents within seconds.
Skip Bad Sectors
End-users are given options to skip bad sectors when executing “Verify HDD” or “Erase”.
Quality Check Report
Event Log Report is an important asset Management tool to assist users in monitoring and recording the whole quality checking process. It records all details of each task. For example, checking function, working time, model number, serial number of media, read speed and write speed, results…etc. To provide log report as a quality proof is capable to increase the value and trust of the dealing goods.
Modular Cable Design
When cables wear out, users can quickly swap them out, saving time and money.